Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Words of encouragement and advice

When I told my family, friends, and colleagues that I was taking a year off and explained why, I was surprised and warmed by the number of people who responded positively and even offered their congratulations. I actually expected more people to think it was weird, since it is a somewhat unconventional thing for people in my social circle/peer group to do. I'm glad I was wrong.

Supportive words from a very close friend:

"Wow! That's a big career move, but you know, do it now and it is very good to have a very supportive spouse! ...

I can see you in the non-profit sector, though that's not necessarily less work or less stressful. When you get in the funding side of it, there's a whole political aspect that you might not otherwise expect, this goes for all non-profits...

It comes down to finding the right employer, I think...

Now is the time for you to try different things, mistake or not. You won't know till you try it. Heck, we did, failed, but are slowly bouncing back. Yes, now's the time to try, while there aren't any kids to worry about and deal with. Remember, kudos for trying!"

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